Some of the rhinoplasties are made with incisions that open into the nostrils. This is called the” closed rhinoplasty ” technique. “Open rhinoplasty” technique is called if it is done by cutting the middle part of the columella, which separates the nostrils from each other in order to provide comfort of vision and movement in the repair of more complex cases.
The cartilage needed for the tip and midline support of the nose is usually met from the inner parts of the tissue of the nose called septal cartilage. However, in cases where the nose has been damaged by previous surgeries or accidents, cartilage tissue from the patient’s ear or rib can be used for cartilage support or cartilage taken from other people by special methods. Such a possibility is of course explained to you by your surgeon in advance.
Is There An Age Limit in Rhinoplasty?
Since rhinoplasty surgery is expected to complete the adequate development of the musculoskeletal system, children are expected to complete their bone development. Rhinoplasty is not the age limit, but rather the development of bone and cartilage structure. But according to the development of the nose more quickly completed the scoop ear surgeries can be done even at the age of 6 by considering the psychology of the child. Although there is not exactly an upper limit in plastic surgery, it should be considered that anesthesia and postoperative complications may increase in later ages. However, depending on the general condition of the patient, if there are different conditions that will prevent the patient from receiving anesthesia, plastic surgery can be performed.
Can Rhinoplasty Be Performed Under Local Anesthesia?
Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed under general anesthesia as well as under local anesthesia in technical sense. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed with local anesthesia while the patient’s awake can lead to different problems should be considered. The patient’s discomfort, fear and the surgeon’s inability to feel comfortable lowers the quality of a fine surgery, such as a rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed with general anesthesia and is more comfortable for the patient and the surgeon.
What is Nose Rasp?
Usually in arched noses, it is a method used to reduce the ridge height of the nose. With the Rasp used in nose plastic surgery, the height of the back of the nose is brought to the desired level. In cases where the nose arch is too high, the excess portion can be removed by rasping or cutting according to the doctor’s preference. However, it is a more controlled process to get down to the desired level by rasping the arched part. In cases where the nose arch is too high, rasping may not be enough. In some cases, the back of the nose (roof) may remain open until the desired level of Arch is taken. In such cases, the lateral wall bones of the nose are broken inwards and a roof is created again. However, without the need for high arch noses, only raspülerek can be reduced to the desired level.
How Many Hours Does Rhinoplasty Take?
Rhinoplasty surgery depends on the operation to be performed. If the Septum does not have curvature or different problems,the operation can take 2-2,5 hours. If only the tip of the nose will be shaped, this process becomes shorter. However, with rhinoplasty, a deformity in the nose, called secondary surgery previously operated on the patient, the duration of complicated surgeries such as making the nose again from the ribs can last up to 6-7 hours.
Is There Any Incision Left After Nose Surgery?
A small incision is made between the nostrils, and a small incision is made between the nostrils. Since wound healing varies from person to person, this incision does not appear to be the same in everyone. There are no visible marks in closed surgery.
After Rhinoplasty Should Be Massaged?
After rhinoplasty, one-way stroking along the back of the nose and from the wings of the nose towards the edges of the eyes may be recommended to the patient. The logic of massage application is the process of increasing circulation in this region by pressing mechanically. Speeding up circulation can be thought to speed up wound healing.