Surgery to remove the unwanted results of a previous rhinoplasty is called revision nose rhinoplasty. It is also sometimes referred to as “secondary rhinoplasty”. Nose surgery may not result in positive results in every patient, and revision rhinoplasty may be required at a rate of 5-15% after the first nose surgery. These rates are taken from the average of publications about the results of rhinoplasty in our country and around the world. Rates may vary depending on the surgeon’s experience, experience, difficulty of the nose in the initial surgery, or whether the surgeon also operated on difficult noses.
We can categorize revisions as minor and major revisions. In minor revision, the result of the first surgery is acceptable and minor retouching is required. The patient may be happy with his present nose and overall appearance but may want minor corrections. However, if there is significant deformity as a result of previous rhinoplasty surgery, major revision operation is required. Minor revisions can often be made as short as 30-40. Major revisions may take between 2-4 hours depending on the scope of the surgery.
When is Revision Rhinoplasty Performed?
After the first rhinoplasty, it is not clear whether the revision will be necessary or not until the first 1-3 months when the swelling in the nose still continues. A very obvious asymmetry etc. the need for revision is predictable in the early period, if any. It is necessary to wait at least 6 months and 1 year to decide on revision surgery and to determine the scope of the surgery. But there are some exceptional circumstances. The defects that are noticeable immediately after surgery can be corrected in the early stages, preferably by the same surgeon. Again, in cases where the nose is very small adhesions and tight connective tissue development, skin can be overhauled in the early period without contracting.
How is Revision Rhinoplasty Performed?
Minor revisions with local or general anesthesia, closed or open approach, whereas almost all of the major revisions (except for patients with skin problems) requires general anesthesia and an open approach. Minor revisions last 30-45 minutes, while major revisions can last 3-6 hours. The length of time is determined by the multiplicity and difficulty of deformities, the need for rib cartilage and ear cartilage. If the risk is not specified in terms of anesthesia, the outcome of the operation is always important, not the duration.